Activity Missing from your BAM Portal? This May be Why...

Recently I worked on a BAM implementation and found myself stumped as to why, after creating a new activity, it was not visible in the portal.

I thought it might have been a mistake in my configuration, deployment, or a rights issue. After a series of experiments I couldn't determine anything wrong with either my configuration or deployment so I turned to investigating if it was a rights issue or not.

It turned out to be. The following lines saved as a .bat file did the trick. Just replace the bracketed [ ] items with the names from your environment and it will work.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006\Tracking\BM"
add-account -AccountName:[DOMAIN\user] -View:[ViewName]
-Server:[ServerName] -Database:BAMPrimaryImport

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This fixed my problem, tnx!
Do you know where in db are this permissions stored?